I’m looking at 2019 and my blank Start Planner with a hint of anxiety. Goals? I have to lay out everything I want to do this year right now? Didn’t I JUST survive Christmas? I can’t lay out a 365 day budget… I just blew all my money on presents! AAAHHHHH!
Most of the time when I get overwhelmed I just freeze and put the to-do list on a shelf. The anxiety makes me hesitant to even begin. I think, what if it’s not right? What if it’s too ambitious? What if I’m just too tired and my brain can’t work like that right now? You know what I discovered? All of that is okay… and I can work in pencil.
Sometimes I think it’s unrealistic to believe that you need to come off an intensely busy season like Christmas and already have your goals formulated by January 1st. There’s just too much going on in December to find an hour to quiet my mind and think about what I want to do. Let’s just be real, if I have an hour to myself, I’m taking a glass of champagne into the bathtub with a book and locking the door.
Goal setting for me has become like compound interest. Sometimes it’s very easy to set all the goals – for me and my husband and my children and my dog (haha, no but seriously though). Other times it overwhelms me into inaction. So I’ve decided my healthy approach to setting goals is going to be like eating an elephant… a few goals at a time, and if larger goals come to me in June I will write those down and give them a due date past the big ball dropping.
This year I’m compounding my goals month by month. I’m going to find some time in the next week to set my goals for January, and find a few things I want to accomplish by this time next year. Every month after that I’m going to do the same thing… find a few minutes to write out my monthly goals, cross off the things I accomplished and look out into the future to see if any long term goals come to me.
Here’s what I have so far:
– Read something for me every day, even if it’s short (can’t be social media)
– Make the bed 4 out of 7 days a week
– Go to yoga once a week
– Tidy the house every night before bed
– Find an amazing night serum (anyone?)
– Travel with the kids, expose them to some place new
What are some of your goals? Long term or short term, I would love to hear what’s stirring in you!
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