Let’s talk about roots, and maybe my propensity to be a hospice house for plants. No seriously, I’m their last stop before inevitable death. I’ve killed succulents... let that sink in for a sec... succulents. I’ve never been a great gardener and a pretty basic house plant enthusiast. My amazing husband is the exact opposite - the man could make roses bloom in the desert. More than once I’ve asked him for flowering bushes, I even came home ... Read More
Finding Motivation (part 2)
If you've followed my instastories you know that I've had a hard time finding motivation to finish this post. I'll be completely honest, my motivation runs like a roller coaster. Either I want to do all the things, or I'm borderline depressed and can struggle to keep the house clean. So the rollercoaster headed back up the hill this week, and I decided to finish this post once and for all. Let’s rewind to this last weekend - which was a long ... Read More
Finding Motivation (part 1)
A few months ago I really started studying up on motivation… mainly because I didn’t have any. I was playing the comparison game again, and kept wondering why all my friends could go run Spartan races, finish masters degrees, keep a clean house, and conquer the world. Well, one of them doesn’t have kids and the other decides to wake up at 4am to train every day… Since getting rid of my kids isn’t an option, and there isn’t air on the planet at ... Read More
Jus by Julie Cleanse – 3 Day Cleanse Review
Let me first say that I came off this cleanse feeling amazing. I was very skeptical that a cleanse could help jumpstart my system. I was tired, lethargic, depressed and empty… but what this cleanse did for me, I am wanting to shout from the rooftops about how great I feel and how crisp my mind has become. Here are the answers to your burning questions! Do the juices taste good? Yes and no. I was asked this question so frequently on ... Read More
Hairspray and 1″ Bobby Pins
Okay, let's just talk about the bane of my existence right now... I'm affectionately calling them "hair wings," because they stick out of my head like a Boeing 757, and the only way I can get them to lay down are these... 1" bobby pins and my big sexy hair -it's not going anywhere- hairspray (follow the links to Amazon if you need to purchase your own hair loss survival kit!). My daughter will be 1 on Saturday, and after having luscious, ... Read More